The difference between the fire elevator and the ordinary elevator: ordinary elevator in the event of fire. Fire elevator can be used for fire fighting and rescue when fire occurs.
Ordinary elevators are not equipped with fire protection function, when the fire ban people take the elevator to escape. Because when it is affected by high temperature, or power outage, or fire disaster will take the elevator, or even take their lives.
Fire elevator is a kind of elevator which is used for fire fighting and rescue in fire. Fire elevator usually has perfect fire protection function: it is a dual power supply, if the building work of the elevator when the power is interrupted, emergency power supply for fire elevator can automatically to continue. The utility model has the function of emergency control, that is, when a fire occurs in the upper part of the building, the utility model can accept the instruction and return the first layer in time, and the passengers are not allowed to continue to accept the fire. It is reserved at the top of the car an emergency exit, in case the elevator door opening mechanism fails, can also be evacuated from here. For the main part of the high-rise building, the floor area of not more than 1500 square meters, should set up a fire elevator; more than 1500 square meters, 4500 square meters, should be set up two sets of fire elevator; floor area of over 4500 square meters, should be set up three sets of fire elevator.
The shaft of fire fighting elevator shall be separately set up, and no other electric pipe, water pipe, air pipe or ventilation pipe shall be adopted. Fire elevator room shall be provided, room should be equipped with fire door, which has fire and smoke prevention function. Fire elevator load should not be less than 800 kg, the plane size of the car should not be less than 1 meters x 1.5 meters, its role is to be able to handle a larger fire equipment and placed a stretcher for life, etc.. Fire elevator decoration materials, must be non combustible building materials. Fire lift power and control wire should take waterproof measures, fire elevator door should be equipped with mild waterproof measures. Fire elevator car should be equipped with a dedicated telephone, in the first floor should also be equipped with a dedicated control button.