Elevator failures, accidents have occurred, for the popularity of elevator safety knowledge, for you to sort out.
Taboo 1:
When the elevator is not used to elevator the door or to wait for the door ladder, it is forbidden to use the hand to lift the door.
Once the door open, not only the car will be an emergency stop, causing passengers trapped in the car, affecting the normal operation of the elevator, more likely to cause passengers waiting to fall into the hoistway or injury. When the car is running, once the door is opened, the car will be emergency stop, causing passengers trapped in the car, affecting the normal operation of the elevator. Therefore, regardless of whether or not the elevator operation, grilled, pry, support, rely on the elevator doors are extremely dangerous.
Taboo 2:
Children should not take a separate elevator
Because the child self-care ability is weak, do not know the safety knowledge of elevator, lively, easily lead to misuse, and self-protection is not strong, alone in the car or emergency situations prone to danger.
Taboo 3:
Should not jump in the car
Jumping in the car, left and right shaking, will cause the elevator safety device malfunction caused by passengers trapped in the car, affecting the normal operation of the elevator, while there may damage the elevator parts.
Taboo 4:
Pets should pay attention to what the elevator
Do not use long strings to lead the pet ride, the application of hand tight or cling to prevent the string is layer, car door caught, resulting in operational safety incidents.
Taboo 5:
Flammable and explosive materials into the car
Dangerous goods such as flammable, explosive or corrosive articles should not be brought into the elevator car. In the event of an accident, personal injury or damage to the equipment may result. In particular, corrosive items will be scattered to the elevator will not be aware of the hidden dangers of accidents.
Taboo 6:
Overflow items should not be brought into
Passengers will be flowing rain gear, overflow items into the car or cleaning the floor when the water will be brought into the elevator car, will tide the car floor so that passengers slip, and even make the water along the car door sill clearance Into the shaft and the occurrence of electrical equipment short-circuit fault.